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Investing in Asymmetric

Opportunities since 1999

alternative investment manager

About Us

We are an Australian investment firm specialising in alternative investment strategies, with a proven investment process developed since 1999.

Our unique Asymmetric Investment approach is designed to deliver consistent annual positive returns while minimising risk for investors.


The Arnott Capital Investment Approach

Source investment ideas and early-stage thematic opportunities that are not yet priced by the market.

Invest in the best ideas within those themes to generate a portfolio of uncorrelated global assets that have asymmetric pay-offs and that will endure through different market cycles.

Consistently assess the macro drivers for risk mitigation and new investment opportunities.

A focus on downside protection, and the flexibility to capture opportunities across a variety of market environments.

“We are passionate about identifying early investment opportunities that the market has yet to recognise. By leveraging a combination of long and short equity positions and derivatives, we can effectively capitalise on these emerging themes.”

Kenny Arnott, Co-Chief Investment Officer.

Our Funds

Arnott Opportunities Trust
– Australian Wholesale Investors Only
Arnott Opportunities (Cayman) Fund Ltd
– International Investors Only

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